A field experiment was carried out at Dusty Acre Research Farm, Department of Forestry, JNKVV, Jabalpur to assess the comparative growth performance of two bamboo species planted in four different plantation models in wasteland condition at the age of 3 years. The plantation was established in the year 2008. The experiment consisted of four different bamboo plantation models (two models each of agroforestry and sole plantation) viz., Dendrocalamus strictus intercropped with agricultural crops, Bambusa arundinacea intercropped with agricultural crops, D. strictus as sole and B. arundinacea as sole. From the result, it was revealed that all the growth parameters of bamboo species show significant differences under different bamboo plantation models. Survival percentage (98.53%), number of culms per clump (17.33), culm diameter (2.27 cm), culm height (4.98 m) and internode length (20.21 cm) were significantly higher when D. strictus was intercropped with agricultural crops, while clump circumference was higher in B. arundinacea intercropped with agricultural crops. However, survival percentage (95.30%), number of culms per clump (12.77), culm diameter (1.88 cm), culm height (3.37 m) and internode length (16.26 cm) were observed the lowest in B. arundinacea, when planted as sole under three - year old bamboo plantation.
Bamboo plantation, Dendrocalamus strictus, Bambusa arundinacea, wasteland.
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