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  • Large scale mortality in Sal (Shorea robusta) trees occurred in Kotma and Jethari forest ranges of Anuppur Forest Division in Madhya Pradesh. Coal mining is done in this area and it was suspected that this mining activity could be one of the main causative factors for mortality of sal trees. Accordingly, a study was conducted to study the effect of coal mining on the physico-chemical properties of soil, establishment of sal regeneration and disease and mortality in sal trees. Two locations, one in close proximity to the mining site and the other far away from the mining area, were selected for the comparative study. It has been observed that coal mining adversely affects the establishment of natural regeneration as a result of change in physico-chemical properties of soil due to deposition of suspended coal dust. It also causes root-decay and mortality in sal.


  • Coal mining, sal mortality, Sal (Shorea robusta).


  • Anon, (1998) Executive Summary of the Report on the State of Environment, ‘Status of Environment in West Bengal’, Part‐II: Vectors of Environmental Impacts. The Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal.

    Rao, D.N., (1985). Plants and Particulate Pollutants. Air Pollution and Plants: A State of the Art Report. Ministry of Environment and Forests, Department of Environment, Government of India, New Delhi, India.

    Saha, Dulal Chandra and Pratap Kumar Padhy (2011), Effects of stone crushing industry on Shorea robusta and Madhuca indica foliage in Lalpahari forest. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2:463‐476.

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